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Euro Paste 900

Euro Paste 900

Regular price $44.00
Regular price Sale price $44.00
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Product Description:

Atlantic Euro Paste 900 is an all-natural hand cleaner, its heavy-duty formula will clean the dirtiest of hands, it is super concentrate which makes it very economical. Proven to get up to 900 hands cleaned out of one tub. Its solvent free formula also prevents dermatitis and its after wash moisturising eliminates cracked and dry hands.

Euro Paste 900 Hand Cleaner is pH neutral, therefore it matches your skins natural pH level. Its gritting enough to clean hands but not enough to block drains. It is the perfect all-round heavy-duty hand cleaner for any workshop.

    Directions for Use

    Apply a small amount onto 1 hand, about the size of a 20-cent piece. Rub both hands together before adding a small amount of water, continue rubbing hands together and adding small amounts of water until clean. For a better clean warm water is recommended.


    • Prevents Dermatitis, dry and cracked hands
    • Super concentrated
    • pH neutral all-natural heavy-duty formula
    • Very effective at cleaning even the most dirtiest of hands
    • Up to 900 washes per 2.5 litre bottle
    • Will not block drains.


    Weight - 2.5 kilo

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